An animal shelter holds only dogs and cats and works on a FIFO basis.
FIFO -> First in, First out
Adopters must select the oldest animal in the shelter, or can pick the oldest dog/cat.
Implement a class to support this shelter. Let’s implement the following methods:
We can build a customer relation management system (CRM) for animal shelters! Yayyyyyy
This CRM will always be ready to accept new dogs and cats and will always know how to find:
Needing to keep track of the longest tenured animals at any given time… Hmmm.. Like we’ve said before, keeping track of min or max should always hint at using a heap! In this case, we’re going to want to maintain 2 heaps:
1) A dog max tenure heap 2) A cat max tenure heap
If a customer doesn’t have a cat / dog preference then we can return max(-dogMaxHeap[0], -catMaxHeap[0])
before every insertion and extraction.Time Complexity
-> Insert into heap, O(log(n))
dequeueDog, dequeueCat, dequeueAny
-> Extract from heap and reorder, O(log(n))
Space Complexity
Queues maintained for dogs && cats.
Cracking the Coding Interview, 3.6, Animal Shelter
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