Merge K Sorted ListsMerge K Sorted ListsProblem 🤔 You are given an array of k linked-lists lists, each linked-list is sorted in ascending…Omer GoldbergDecember 20, 2020 14 min
Group AnagramsGroup AnagramsProblem 🤔 Let's implement a function to sort an array of strings such that all anagrams are next to…Omer GoldbergDecember 05, 2020 13 min
Merge sorted arraysMerge Sorted ArraysProblem 🤔 Given two sorted integer arrays nums1 and nums2 , merge nums2 into nums1 as one…Omer GoldbergDecember 05, 2020 12 min
Magic IndexMagic IndexProblem 🤔 Given a sorted array of distinct integers, find the Magic index. Magic Index: Magic…Omer GoldbergFebruary 20, 2020 9 min
Binary SearchBinary SearchProblem 🤔 Implement binary search. Real World Applications 🌎 This is the fastest way to search for…Omer GoldbergFebruary 13, 2020 7 min
Bubble SortBubble SortProblem 🤔 Implement the bubble sort algorithm. Real World Applications 🌎 The Finer Details 🔎 This…Omer GoldbergJanuary 23, 2020 6 min