Find Median From Data StreamFind Median From Data StreamProblem 🤔 Median is the middle value in an ordered integer list. If the size of the list is even…Omer GoldbergJanuary 22, 2020 17 min
Implement A Stack Using QueuesImplement A Stack Using QueuesChallenge 🤔 Implement a stack (LIFO) using only two queues. The implemented stack should support…Omer GoldbergJanuary 22, 2020 22 min
Animal ShelterAnimal ShelterProblem 🤔 An animal shelter holds only dogs and cats and works on a FIFO basis. FIFO -> First in…Omer GoldbergJanuary 22, 2020 11 min
Meeting Rooms 2Meeting Rooms 2Problem 🤔 Given an array of meeting time intervals intervals where intervals[i] = [starti, endi…Omer GoldbergJanuary 22, 2020 15 min
Stack of PlatesStack of PlatesProblem 🤔 Imagine a literal stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it'll fall! So when stacks…Assaf ElovicJanuary 22, 2020 15 min
Min StackMin StackChallenge 🤔 Implement a stack that has a min function, that returns the minimum element. The…Omer GoldbergJanuary 22, 2020 13 min