Given an integer n
, return the number of structurally unique BST’s (binary search trees) which has exactly n
nodes of unique values from {1,..,n}
Example 1
Input: n = 3
Output: 5
Example 2
Input: n = 2
Output: 2
Example 3
Input: n = 1
Output: 1
Example 4
Input: n = 0
Output: 1 (empty tree)
I’ve never been asked to calculate the amount of unique binary search trees given an n. If you can find a strong parallel for this in real life, lmk in the comments :)
There are sooo many ways we can look at this. For me, the most intuitive is to ask how many uniqe sub trees can I create given a certain root. For every root, we can ask ourselves:
For root i
, how many right subtrees can I create with k
nodes? How many left subtrees can I create with j
nodes? Our constraint here is that n = k + j + 1
, because our unique sub tree has a question constraint of using all the values {1,..,n}
Again, here we want to be efficient and cache our computations. Similarly to the coin change problem, let’s be clear about what our dp cache should actually hold!
can represent the amount of unique subtrees we can create with i
values. Perfect! Our final computation for a given n
can simply be the trees we can create with k
nodes in the right subtree and j
nodes in the left subtree.
For example, we can calculate n = 3
by simply computing the following:
nodes in left subtree, 2
nodes in the right subtree1
nodes in left subtree, 1
nodes in the right subtree2
nodes in left subtree, 0
nodes in the right subtreeOf course, our base case of n = 1
and n = 0
is 1
, because with one node we can return only one tree and with no nodes we can return an empty tree. Let’s put this into code!
Time Complexity
Nest for
loops — worst case each is of size n
Space Complexity
Our dp cache is of size n
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